Democrats Should Control Congress
As Seen on my ShortStream News Media Blog
I think the Democrats should control Congress after the elections because:
Republicans, having had the advantage of full control of House and Senate, White House, Supreme Court Appointments, Cabinet Appointments, and with mainstream media winds like those blown by FOX News have demonstrated the greed, hypocrisy, and imperialistic nature of their politics. As George W. Bush is so fond of saying, "results matter." We are living the results of Republican Dominated Governance.
Before the Grand Old Party's (GOP's) Selection of 2000 we had:
NO "Surprise" Terrorist Attack on U.S. Soil
NO Fabricated Intelligence Linking Iraq to Al Qaeda
NO Outing of CIA Operative, Valerie Plame
NO Shameless and Junk-yard Dog, (Foaming-at-the-Mouth Vicious) Swift-Boating of Decorated War Heroes (and Congressmen at that!) like John Kerry, Max Cleland and John Murtha... simply because they have the guts to question and oppose the White House
NO Railroading, via Cheap News Media TV Tricks, of Outspoken & Black Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney (Outspoken, Black and a Woman to Boot!!! How Dare her Criticize a Son-of-a-President President!)
NO Standing up, in Cynthia Mckinney's place, a truly "Clueless" and "Obedient" Republican Black Man, Hank Johnson, who doesn't even get it when his own party relishes in repeatedly (in their "Conservative Party" Press Releases) referring to him as the "dark horse" opposition to McKinney. For example see:
NO Trashing of Retired Multi-Starred Generals Who Point Out the Failures of the Bush Administration's Execution of War and Foreign Policy
NO Promotions and Pats on the Back for Poor Performances
NO Slam Dunk Intelligence... that actually bounced right back out of the rim.
NO Recusing "due to conflicts of interest" by the likes of John Aschcroft , SEC Chairman, Harvey Pitt and others concerning ENRON, WorldCom and other Scams
NO Precedent to the Multiple Resignations of US Diplomats in protest of Bush's preemptive Strike on Iraq such as John H Brown and John Brady Kiesling
NO $400 Billion Preemptive War on Iraq
NO Question as to Where $9 Billion of that Money is???
NO Blood Bath and loss of 2700+ U.S. Military Men and Women
NO Tens of Thousands of our Young Men and Women Wounded for Life.
NO Generations Lasting Hatred being Fueled by US foreign Policy and Aggression
NO Ongoing Halliburton, Bechtel/Jacobs Haydays... at Everyone Else's Expense!
NO Reason to Feel Ashamed of and Apologize for Abu Ghraib, Our Undisclosed Prisons, Our Out-sourcing of Torture Modus Operandi and Our Own Psychologically Tortured Soldiers Who Sadly End their "Service to our Country" in Psychotic Killing Sprees
NO Guantanamo Bay Indefinite Retentions
NO Growing Global Distrust of USA Intentions and Foreign Policy
NO North Korean Nuclear Weapons Test(s)
NO Iranian Sabre-rattling
NO Phantom WMD
NO Complete Denial and Silencing of UN Chief Weapons Inspectors like 3rd Generation Republican, Marine Intelligence Officer, and UN Iraq Weapons Inspector, Scott Ritter, who happened to be screaming as best as he could above Bush's War Drums, "THERE ARE NO WMDs!"
NO Jack Abramoff, Tom DeLay, Bob Ney, Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist, Mike Scanlion, Karl Rove, et al conspiracy to defraud, of all people, our Native Americans and you, me, aka taxpayers.
NO Fear Fired Meltdown of our Civil Liberties
NO Repeal of Habeas Corpus
NO Credible Evidence of Nation-wide Election Rigging
NO Undemocratic Redistricting to Suit the Party in Power
NO Palpable Attack on Middle-class Citizens and Blue-Collar Workers
NO Open Season on Threatened and Endangered Species
NO Clearcut Assault on our Public Forests
NO Steamroller "Attempt" to Pave Over our Wilderness, Natural, and Roadless Areas
NO Assault on our Hemisphere's Most Pristine Place, the "Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge" (ANWR)
NO Foxes Guarding the Henhouse Approach to Regulation of Coal Fired Plants, Pharmaceutical Corporations, the Mining Industry, and on and on it goes.
NO Miserable FEMA Failure
NO Allowing Vicente Fox Dictating of US Trade and Border Policy
NO Gutting of Social Programs Affecting School Lunch Funding, Prenatal Healthcare, Nursing Home Assistance Programs, Public Mental Health Programs, and on and on it goes.
NO $2 and $3 Dollar a Gallon Gasoline
NO Significantly More (or less) Abortions or Gays Than We Have Today
NO Bogus claims that saving you and me a Couple Hundred Bucks on taxes while offering Billions in Tax Savings to Millionaires and Billionaires (now numbering over 400) somehow and mysteriously, Through the "Altruistic" Maze of Capitalism gives You and Me More Money??? When is the last time any rich person you know got a bonus of money they could certainly live without and offered that money to you? This, in effect, is the promise the Bush Administration and Wall Street makes to you and me. They Lie. It's that simple. Who really believes that "giving more money to the rich makes the poor, one dime less poor?" Tell me who you are. I'm likely more poor than you... maybe using Bush Administration logic you will offer me some of your money. Hmmm?
NO Mark Foley, Gay Predation of Teen-age Pages, Cover Up
Did I mention, Before 2000 We Had No Lying, Stealing, Cheating, Exploitation of Christian Values for Political Gain, offering "Faith-Based Initiative Funds" to Get Religious Organizations Hooked on Tax Dollars and Positioned for Government Intrusion/Regulation/Intimidation and Carrot & Stick Politics, in general?
Oh YES, that's right! You're absolutely right! Before 2000 we had Monica. Sigh. But overall, life was pretty darn good as I recall.
YES we also had NONE of the following:
YES we had NO scared out their best reasoning abilities, soccer moms looking out for "turbines," among the bushes, around the perimeter of their children's Soccer Fields.
YES we had NO Ban on deadly Toothpaste, Hair Gels, Moisturizers, Make-up, Pudding and etc.
YES we had NO President ,i.e., Son-of-a-President "Selectedent" telling us, "War is Peace."
YES we had NO Mass Hysteria!!!
YES we had NO open threats from Venezuela, Mexico, Chile, Syria, Iran, Iraq, N. Korea, and on and on and on.
YES we had NO fact hating, science squelching, "common sense" spouting governance.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children the earth rested upon the back of a turtle, or elephant, or on the shoulder of a big strong man.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children the sun revolved around our flat earth.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children rats spontaneously generated from dirty rags.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children that black cats were possessed of the devil and one dare not cross their path.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children that dark skinned people had no capacity to learn for they were not really human.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children all sorts of things that entire cultures, consisting of full-grown adults, believed to their very core to be true.
YES, before 2000, we had NO fact hating, science squelching, "common sense" spouting good ol' boy, dumbass, cowboy government.
YES we had NO Word's of Warning concerning our Foreign Policy to Bill Clinton from allied leaders like Musharaff, Putin, Chirac, Chinese Presidents Jiang Zemin
and Hu Jintao (but then Clinton did not preside over the sale of a Presidential Boeing 767 to President Zemin (one purchased from Seattle's Boeing Plant and outfitted in Texas with VIP features, including 27 bugging devices, which the Chinese found shortly after delivery... due to static noise the bugs caused in standard equipment). This non-story, at least here in the US, is still poisoning US/China relations. This incident is not over, folks. As hard as the best of us might try, when someone or "some nation" exercises blatant distrust and suspicion in us we don't just forget about it and go on... do we? Neither do World Leaders.
YES we had NO reason to be concerned about a now simmering cauldron of world unrest.
YES we had NO "Unitier," "Decider," "Repeatedly Self-described Hard Worker," "Self-described God Chosen Leader, or "Good Ol' Boy, like ta have Beer with/President's son President."
YES we had NO President who, as the late Ann Richards so eloquently described, "was born with a silver foot in his mouth" and "was born on third-base and thought he'd hit a triple." ...but he did win the Tri-fecta! Remember?
YES we had NO President who had failed at every business venture he attempted but kept getting "rewarded with better offers and circumstances." Even the Saudi's bailed him out of his business woes. Google Arbusto/Harken/Bath/Saudi
YES we had NO President whose long-forgotten brother, Neil, was a central figure in the long-forgotten (media blacked-out) $50 billion S & L taxpayer bailout of the early 90s.
YES we had NO President with a brother who "promised" and "delivered" him Florida.
YES we had NO President whose party loyals own the nations electronic voting machines that cannot, by design, be verified but can be, by design, easily reprogrammed.
YES we had NO President whose father invaded Iraq at the height of his son, Neil's, participation in the $50 Billion S & L Taxpayer Bailout Scam.
YES we had NO President with family ties to the Saudi Royals and the Bin Ladens.
YES we had NO President whose father headed the CIA but did not and does not discuss Iraq with his son, George W. Bush.
YES we had NO ......... Gosh, I could on for hours.... but I won't.
Yes we did without a lot of nonsense before the selection of 2000 but there is this old eastern proverb that asserts, "less is more."
Eastern cultures have had to endure much oppression, poverty, and political corruption over the centuries... I am beginning to understand, better than ever, what they mean by "Less is More."
I certainly wish we had much less of what we have in today's Republican dominated US governance.
Even if Democrats are less of everything the Republicans claim they are...... under present circumstances, less is truly more.
YES, I think the Democrats should control Congress after the elections.
Then, if they screw up we'll find a new and improved party to replace them.
Who said, certainly not God, We are One Nation Under and limited to a "Two-Party" System of Governance?
Wake up, politicians! The winds of change are blowing!
Common sense used to teach, so my Grandpa King said, that anything green might give one gangrene! I remember, so clearly, how he refused to eat or drink from a green dish or cup.
Science has taught us gangrene is a matter of poor blood circulation that allows the invasion of microbial bacteria to go unchecked. The problem has nothing to do with color. The problem is tissue stagnation. The problem is stale, useless blood.
My point is "Green" can actually do a body good and new blood is a necessity, not an option!
Think about it, folks. For once, think like scientists who ultimately reveal common sense for what it truly is.... common, and without verifiable evidence to back it up.
Last chance... Democrats! If you screw this up... I'm going Green... ALL THE WAY TO 2008!
I think the Democrats should control Congress after the elections because:
Republicans, having had the advantage of full control of House and Senate, White House, Supreme Court Appointments, Cabinet Appointments, and with mainstream media winds like those blown by FOX News have demonstrated the greed, hypocrisy, and imperialistic nature of their politics. As George W. Bush is so fond of saying, "results matter." We are living the results of Republican Dominated Governance.
Before the Grand Old Party's (GOP's) Selection of 2000 we had:
NO "Surprise" Terrorist Attack on U.S. Soil
NO Fabricated Intelligence Linking Iraq to Al Qaeda
NO Outing of CIA Operative, Valerie Plame
NO Shameless and Junk-yard Dog, (Foaming-at-the-Mouth Vicious) Swift-Boating of Decorated War Heroes (and Congressmen at that!) like John Kerry, Max Cleland and John Murtha... simply because they have the guts to question and oppose the White House
NO Railroading, via Cheap News Media TV Tricks, of Outspoken & Black Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney (Outspoken, Black and a Woman to Boot!!! How Dare her Criticize a Son-of-a-President President!)
NO Standing up, in Cynthia Mckinney's place, a truly "Clueless" and "Obedient" Republican Black Man, Hank Johnson, who doesn't even get it when his own party relishes in repeatedly (in their "Conservative Party" Press Releases) referring to him as the "dark horse" opposition to McKinney. For example see:
NO Trashing of Retired Multi-Starred Generals Who Point Out the Failures of the Bush Administration's Execution of War and Foreign Policy
NO Promotions and Pats on the Back for Poor Performances
NO Slam Dunk Intelligence... that actually bounced right back out of the rim.
NO Recusing "due to conflicts of interest" by the likes of John Aschcroft , SEC Chairman, Harvey Pitt and others concerning ENRON, WorldCom and other Scams
NO Precedent to the Multiple Resignations of US Diplomats in protest of Bush's preemptive Strike on Iraq such as John H Brown and John Brady Kiesling
NO $400 Billion Preemptive War on Iraq
NO Question as to Where $9 Billion of that Money is???
NO Blood Bath and loss of 2700+ U.S. Military Men and Women
NO Tens of Thousands of our Young Men and Women Wounded for Life.
NO Generations Lasting Hatred being Fueled by US foreign Policy and Aggression
NO Ongoing Halliburton, Bechtel/Jacobs Haydays... at Everyone Else's Expense!
NO Reason to Feel Ashamed of and Apologize for Abu Ghraib, Our Undisclosed Prisons, Our Out-sourcing of Torture Modus Operandi and Our Own Psychologically Tortured Soldiers Who Sadly End their "Service to our Country" in Psychotic Killing Sprees
NO Guantanamo Bay Indefinite Retentions
NO Growing Global Distrust of USA Intentions and Foreign Policy
NO North Korean Nuclear Weapons Test(s)
NO Iranian Sabre-rattling
NO Phantom WMD
NO Complete Denial and Silencing of UN Chief Weapons Inspectors like 3rd Generation Republican, Marine Intelligence Officer, and UN Iraq Weapons Inspector, Scott Ritter, who happened to be screaming as best as he could above Bush's War Drums, "THERE ARE NO WMDs!"
NO Jack Abramoff, Tom DeLay, Bob Ney, Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist, Mike Scanlion, Karl Rove, et al conspiracy to defraud, of all people, our Native Americans and you, me, aka taxpayers.
NO Fear Fired Meltdown of our Civil Liberties
NO Repeal of Habeas Corpus
NO Credible Evidence of Nation-wide Election Rigging
NO Undemocratic Redistricting to Suit the Party in Power
NO Palpable Attack on Middle-class Citizens and Blue-Collar Workers
NO Open Season on Threatened and Endangered Species
NO Clearcut Assault on our Public Forests
NO Steamroller "Attempt" to Pave Over our Wilderness, Natural, and Roadless Areas
NO Assault on our Hemisphere's Most Pristine Place, the "Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge" (ANWR)
NO Foxes Guarding the Henhouse Approach to Regulation of Coal Fired Plants, Pharmaceutical Corporations, the Mining Industry, and on and on it goes.
NO Miserable FEMA Failure
NO Allowing Vicente Fox Dictating of US Trade and Border Policy
NO Gutting of Social Programs Affecting School Lunch Funding, Prenatal Healthcare, Nursing Home Assistance Programs, Public Mental Health Programs, and on and on it goes.
NO $2 and $3 Dollar a Gallon Gasoline
NO Significantly More (or less) Abortions or Gays Than We Have Today
NO Bogus claims that saving you and me a Couple Hundred Bucks on taxes while offering Billions in Tax Savings to Millionaires and Billionaires (now numbering over 400) somehow and mysteriously, Through the "Altruistic" Maze of Capitalism gives You and Me More Money??? When is the last time any rich person you know got a bonus of money they could certainly live without and offered that money to you? This, in effect, is the promise the Bush Administration and Wall Street makes to you and me. They Lie. It's that simple. Who really believes that "giving more money to the rich makes the poor, one dime less poor?" Tell me who you are. I'm likely more poor than you... maybe using Bush Administration logic you will offer me some of your money. Hmmm?
NO Mark Foley, Gay Predation of Teen-age Pages, Cover Up
Did I mention, Before 2000 We Had No Lying, Stealing, Cheating, Exploitation of Christian Values for Political Gain, offering "Faith-Based Initiative Funds" to Get Religious Organizations Hooked on Tax Dollars and Positioned for Government Intrusion/Regulation/Intimidation and Carrot & Stick Politics, in general?
Oh YES, that's right! You're absolutely right! Before 2000 we had Monica. Sigh. But overall, life was pretty darn good as I recall.
YES we also had NONE of the following:
YES we had NO scared out their best reasoning abilities, soccer moms looking out for "turbines," among the bushes, around the perimeter of their children's Soccer Fields.
YES we had NO Ban on deadly Toothpaste, Hair Gels, Moisturizers, Make-up, Pudding and etc.
YES we had NO President ,i.e., Son-of-a-President "Selectedent" telling us, "War is Peace."
YES we had NO Mass Hysteria!!!
YES we had NO open threats from Venezuela, Mexico, Chile, Syria, Iran, Iraq, N. Korea, and on and on and on.
YES we had NO fact hating, science squelching, "common sense" spouting governance.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children the earth rested upon the back of a turtle, or elephant, or on the shoulder of a big strong man.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children the sun revolved around our flat earth.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children rats spontaneously generated from dirty rags.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children that black cats were possessed of the devil and one dare not cross their path.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children that dark skinned people had no capacity to learn for they were not really human.
Never mind that "common sense" once taught our children all sorts of things that entire cultures, consisting of full-grown adults, believed to their very core to be true.
YES, before 2000, we had NO fact hating, science squelching, "common sense" spouting good ol' boy, dumbass, cowboy government.
YES we had NO Word's of Warning concerning our Foreign Policy to Bill Clinton from allied leaders like Musharaff, Putin, Chirac, Chinese Presidents Jiang Zemin
and Hu Jintao (but then Clinton did not preside over the sale of a Presidential Boeing 767 to President Zemin (one purchased from Seattle's Boeing Plant and outfitted in Texas with VIP features, including 27 bugging devices, which the Chinese found shortly after delivery... due to static noise the bugs caused in standard equipment). This non-story, at least here in the US, is still poisoning US/China relations. This incident is not over, folks. As hard as the best of us might try, when someone or "some nation" exercises blatant distrust and suspicion in us we don't just forget about it and go on... do we? Neither do World Leaders.
YES we had NO reason to be concerned about a now simmering cauldron of world unrest.
YES we had NO "Unitier," "Decider," "Repeatedly Self-described Hard Worker," "Self-described God Chosen Leader, or "Good Ol' Boy, like ta have Beer with/President's son President."
YES we had NO President who, as the late Ann Richards so eloquently described, "was born with a silver foot in his mouth" and "was born on third-base and thought he'd hit a triple." ...but he did win the Tri-fecta! Remember?
YES we had NO President who had failed at every business venture he attempted but kept getting "rewarded with better offers and circumstances." Even the Saudi's bailed him out of his business woes. Google Arbusto/Harken/Bath/Saudi
YES we had NO President whose long-forgotten brother, Neil, was a central figure in the long-forgotten (media blacked-out) $50 billion S & L taxpayer bailout of the early 90s.
YES we had NO President with a brother who "promised" and "delivered" him Florida.
YES we had NO President whose party loyals own the nations electronic voting machines that cannot, by design, be verified but can be, by design, easily reprogrammed.
YES we had NO President whose father invaded Iraq at the height of his son, Neil's, participation in the $50 Billion S & L Taxpayer Bailout Scam.
YES we had NO President with family ties to the Saudi Royals and the Bin Ladens.
YES we had NO President whose father headed the CIA but did not and does not discuss Iraq with his son, George W. Bush.
YES we had NO ......... Gosh, I could on for hours.... but I won't.
Yes we did without a lot of nonsense before the selection of 2000 but there is this old eastern proverb that asserts, "less is more."
Eastern cultures have had to endure much oppression, poverty, and political corruption over the centuries... I am beginning to understand, better than ever, what they mean by "Less is More."
I certainly wish we had much less of what we have in today's Republican dominated US governance.
Even if Democrats are less of everything the Republicans claim they are...... under present circumstances, less is truly more.
YES, I think the Democrats should control Congress after the elections.
Then, if they screw up we'll find a new and improved party to replace them.
Who said, certainly not God, We are One Nation Under and limited to a "Two-Party" System of Governance?
Wake up, politicians! The winds of change are blowing!
Common sense used to teach, so my Grandpa King said, that anything green might give one gangrene! I remember, so clearly, how he refused to eat or drink from a green dish or cup.
Science has taught us gangrene is a matter of poor blood circulation that allows the invasion of microbial bacteria to go unchecked. The problem has nothing to do with color. The problem is tissue stagnation. The problem is stale, useless blood.
My point is "Green" can actually do a body good and new blood is a necessity, not an option!
Think about it, folks. For once, think like scientists who ultimately reveal common sense for what it truly is.... common, and without verifiable evidence to back it up.
Last chance... Democrats! If you screw this up... I'm going Green... ALL THE WAY TO 2008!