It is clear. Politics in these United States of America has lost touch with reality. I am convinced we, you and me, can succeed where others have failed in their attempts to bring some sense of reality into what we call "The Political Process." I call this effort, "REALITICS."

Friday, September 01, 2006

Have Your Say on Iraq - Here's one of my many "says"

Dr. David Sanders, candidate for the office of U.S. Representative for the 4th Congressional District of the State of Indiana.

Dr. David Sander's campaign website offers viewers an opportunity to "Have Your Say on Iraq. He poses the questions: What is the United States role in Iraq? What can be done to improve the deteriorating situation in Iraq?

Below are my thoughts; thoughts you may or may not share.
Winston Churchill made these statements. Like him or not there is great truth in them.

“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.” - At least in the five years -

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

“If you are going through hell, keep going.”

“The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.

“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” ...and I, Duane Short, say "confront... but don't kill them."

In the middle quote Churchill, posthumously, implies we move on... as in, "get the hell out of Iraq."

If we could stay and produce positive outcomes we should stay... but we cannot because we went in illegally and under false pretenses. During our occupation we have made many strategic errors, operational blunders (e.g., Abu Ghraib), and have committed a litany of malfeasances. For example, nine BILLION dollars intended to help Iraqis is gone, utterly without a trace. I could go on but will not, here.

In the end we must admit before we can correct this administration's mistakes and crimes. Congressional Democrats and Republicans alike must share blame as their votes on Iraq issues warrant. We cannot correct course by keeping the same captains at the wheel that took us so terribly off course into such perilous seas of discontent.

Nothing we do will, at this point, will be pretty but in the old days this was referred to as paying for our sins. Unfortunately, innocent Iraqis will pay as well. Bush supporters can keep calling Bush's actions anything they want but there is no worse error than to attempt to cover past sins. We, as a nation, must face our sins, even those of us who (unsuccessfully) fought long and hard to prevent Bush's invasion of Iraq.

The sooner we leave, the sooner the smoke and fog of war will clear. Only then will Iraqis begin to complete their march through and out of their seemingly unending hell.

We can help Iraqis economically and via many humanitarian forms of benevolence, but not from the end of a gun barrel or from high-flying jets dropping so-called smart bombs. Nor can we impose our form of Democracy on them. Democracy of any form can only be self-willed, self-fashioned, and self-imposed. The Bush administration is seeking to impose its narrow political will on the new Iraq. Nothing could be less effective and less smart.

Good News for Mitchell, Indiana & 4th District

Anonymous said...


David Sanders—Democratic Candidate for US Representative (4th District) and the Mayor of Mitchell, Butch Chastain, Discuss Opposition to a Proposed Massive Explosion Near Mitchell

Wednesday, August 30,2006--Dr. David Sanders, candidate for the office of U.S. Representative for the 4th Congressional District of the State of Indiana, and the Mayor of Mitchell, Butch Chastain, appeared at a press conference at 10:00 AM Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at the Mitchell City Hall, 407 S. 6th Street in Mitchell.

“It was reported in the Las Vegas Review Journal that it was proposed that Indiana become Ground Zero for the testing of a massive explosive. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is planning an explosion called “Divine Strake”—the detonation of one million four hundred thousand pounds of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil. It was originally scheduled for the Nevada Test Site. After protests from residents and questions from members of Congress from both political parties, it was indicated that the test would be postponed and probably held elsewhere. A quarry near Mitchell and Bedford was suggested as the new potential site.

“Here is the description of the aftermath of the explosion from the head of DTRA, ‘it is the first time in Nevada that you'll see a mushroom cloud over Las Vegas since we stopped testing nuclear weapons.’

“A spokesman said, "The dust cloud ... may reach an altitude of 10,000 feet.”
Dr. Sanders stated, “Detonating this explosion here would have been completely unacceptable. If it is not safe for the middle of the desert in Nevada, it is not safe for a populated area like Bedford. Negative impacts on the highly valuable limestone of the area and upon groundwater have been discussed.”

“We have been informed that the site here in Lawrence County is not under consideration now. Why it was initially mentioned by a DTRA spokesperson is still a mystery. I believe that we should regard this settlement as a victory for community activists. I was proud to be a part of the opposition. I applaud Mayor Chastain and his efforts. In my judgment ongoing vigilance is nevertheless necessary.

“It is astounding that the incumbent Congressman for this district was apparently not aware of Bedford’s identification as a possible test site despite mentions of this fact in the media. It is even more incredible that his highly condescending response to concerns about the explosion was that Indiana ‘needs to be educated about this project and its possibilities.’

“The people of Indiana did not need to be ‘educated’ about the ‘possibilities’ of Divine Strake. We have been educated about the fact that, according to the owner of the quarry, a spokesperson for DTRA apparently identified a quarry in Mitchell as a potential test site for Divine Strake without notifying the quarry owner. We have been educated about the fact that there were previous DTRA explosives tests at the quarry without any public notification. We have also been educated that Congressman Buyer does not care about the people of Lawrence County. It is evident that Congressman Buyer needs to be ‘educated’ about his responsibility to defend the interests of his constituents. Actually, it is not surprising that a Congressman who wanted to use nuclear weapons in Afghanistan (“Put a tactical nuclear device in and close these caves for a thousand years," said Buyer in a 2001 interview with Indianapolis television station WRTV) did not oppose a massive explosion in a part of the district he almost never visits and takes for granted. It is time that the people of the 4th District use their votes to “educate” the incumbent about the proper role of a United States Representative.”

Dr. Sanders is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Purdue University. His expertise concerns gene therapy, cancer research, biodefense, and pandemic influenza. His research on the Ebola virus led to his participation in a United States Biological Weapons Proliferation Prevention Program. His responsibilities included inspecting a formerly secret bioweapons laboratory in Siberia.

Dr. Sanders’ connection with Purdue University is mentioned for identification purposes only and does not imply University endorsement.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Will Blagojevich and/or Topinka Debate Green Challenger Whitney?

Please Forward to your Illinois Friends, Schoolmates, and Associates
Note: In case you're concerned - A nation of 50 Green Governors would not do one thing to take Democratic Seats from the House or Senate (not that in every case this would be a bad thing). Support both common sense and intellect. Vote for Rich Whitney, Green Party Candidate for Illinois Governor.

Reward a system of fair-minded and humane intelligence for the common good of the people... Why vote for the broken and corrupt good ol' boy system of status quo for the good of only those who benefit as power-brokers of status quo! Go Ahead! Rock the Boat by Voting for Rich Whitney - Governor of Illinois!

Whitney for Illinois Governor 2006

Third Party scares Two-Party System to Death
Why would one who has the two-party system in his and her court (and claims to be the best candidate) fear debating a serious third party candidate? Is it because a rocking boat scares them to death? Perhaps they know, in reality, they cannot swim without the protective "floatease" of the two-party system. Could it be that they fear adding an intelligent third party candidate, like Rich Whitney, to their flat-bottom boat might just cause them to fall overboard and sink?

Duane Short
August 31, 2006


This morning, the State Board of Elections voted unanimously to certify the Green Party state slate to appear on the November ballot. The people of the State of Illinois will now have a third, and better, choice of candidates for all state constitutional offices.

The Green Party slate has come a long way to get this far. First, we had to overcome the legal roadblock that the two corporate-sponsored parties erected against all third-party efforts in this state. We had to collect 25,000 signatures in just 90 days – five times the number of signatures that their candidates had to collect – just to qualify to be on the ballot. We accomplished that, collecting well over 39,000.

We had to overcome another roadblock when the Blagojevich machine used its staffing and monetary advantage in challenging our petitions before the State Board. We were forced to hire a ballot defense coordinator and pay for legal services to defend our petitions against the challengers. Apart from that, the rest of our defense lay in the hands of dozens of dedicated volunteers who worked many long hours for several weeks to defend our petition signatures, line by line. While these volunteers did not have to be paid for their time, this obviously diverted their time and energy from the real work of the campaign – which, of course, was just what the Blagojevich machine wanted. Fortunately, some of you in the news media were good and responsible enough to cover the story exposing this underhanded ploy. And, as of today, we beat the Blagojevich machine back, winning this vital battle for ballot access.

We’re two for two so far. Now the next challenge we face on the road to victory is to get into the remaining gubernatorial debates.

Whatever one may think about me or my proposals, I think that we have at least established that I am a serious candidate for governor. We have demonstrated this by making the monumental effort to get on the ballot and beating back the petition challenge. We have also demonstrated this by providing voters with detailed proposals and position statements on all of the major issues facing the people of this state. The voters deserve to hear the points of view of all ballot-qualified candidates in the debates. This would serve the interest of having a fully informed electorate that can choose the best candidate with the best plans for the people of Illinois, instead of the candidate who manages to raise the most money for a barrage of television ads. In addition, I believe that the majority of Illinois voters would prefer to hear all candidates’ points of view represented in the debates. I respectfully request the news media in Illinois join us in calling for all candidates to be included in the debates in order to serve the greater public good and the popular will.

At least one sponsor of an upcoming debate, the Illinois Radio Network, has informed me that, as of now, I am not being invited to participate in a debate scheduled for October 2nd. However, they also informed me that their position could change if the other two candidates agree to include me in that debate. Unfortunately, we cannot seem to get a
straight answer from the Blagojevich campaign regarding whether I should be included in future debates. When asked by reporters, Mr. Blagojevich has repeatedly dodged the question. On the other hand, at least one Blagojevich spokesperson has stated that the decision is up to the debate sponsors. So if a sponsor tells us it’s up to the other candidates and one other candidate tells us it’s up to the sponsors, I hope you can appreciate that this creates quite a dilemma for us.

I can understand why Mr. Blagojevich may not want to debate me, inasmuch as I have an actual plan for dealing with the state’s budget crisis that does not involve skimping on payments to the pension system and delaying Medicaid payments to health care providers. In fact, recent polls have indicated that a majority of Illinoisans support at least some version of an income tax for property tax swap to fund education in Illinois, yet I am the only candidate in this race who is campaigning on behalf of this majority position. I also have a superior plan to deal with the twin crises of global warming and soaring energy prices that involves developing renewable energy resources other than simply ethanol. Undoubtedly, Mr. Blagojevich does not agree with my assessment. But that’s precisely the point of including all candidates in the debate. Let’s put his ideas, and mine, and Ms. Topinka’s, to the test.

I once again publicly call upon both the Blagojevich and the Topinka campaigns to do the right thing and include all ballot-qualified candidates in all future gubernatorial debates. Let’s get all points of view in front of the voters so that they can make the best informed decision.


Contact: Jennifer Rose, Campaign Manager Whitney for Governor:

PO Box 3803
Carbondale, IL 62902
Contact: Patrick Kelly, Illinois Green Party Media Coordinator:
Contact: Phil Huckelberry, Illinois Green Party Co-Chair: