It is clear. Politics in these United States of America has lost touch with reality. I am convinced we, you and me, can succeed where others have failed in their attempts to bring some sense of reality into what we call "The Political Process." I call this effort, "REALITICS."

Thursday, May 04, 2006

REALITICS: Primer for Discussion

Swimming in Stormy Seas of Politics, Humanity's Feet Must
Eventually Touch Ground or ~ Inevitably ~ Humanity Drowns

I wrote and read, in part, “Laws of Nature” before the General Assembly of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Conservation Congress 2000 in Springfield, Illinois.

With few exceptions it's message fell on deaf ears. This and other similar experiences have caused me to conclude, “hope for a sustained healthy relationship between our planet and its most demanding human species resides somewhere hidden in the collective mind of the masses.”

Political minds, severely polluted with this uniquely human need for possessing a sense of tangible AND abstract power, are utterly incapable of seeking and recognizing life sustaining, planet earth preserving solutions. Our leaders have demonstrated, beyond doubt, their intellect cannot function beyond parameters that serve their immediate political desires. A seasoned politician having retained his or her peripheral vision is a rare one, indeed.

Blame games will not correct humanity’s dilemma. At least in democratic societies, we the people are partly to blame for our governance.

Whether subjects of totalitarian or democratic governance, we humans have failed to require a base of reality from which politicians, local and beyond, launch their “careers.”

Politics here in the USA floats in eerie, slow spinning currents above true reality in this cloudy, rancid, and surreal atmosphere of extortion, gamesmanship, pandering, outright corruption and other uniquely human behaviors - none of which have their basis in universal truths commonly called "laws of nature."

Duane Short
Your Realitics Host

"Laws Of Nature"

Legislated law will always be subject to bending, breaking, twisting, perforation, revision, and often times outright abolition. Legislated law has but one enduring is always in a constant state of flux.

...and while the rhetoric flies among environmental law-makers and law-shapers, natural law with its thermodynamics and law of entropy cycles on. Ultimately measuring with an unchanging, quantitative, and qualitative yardstick, a discipline called physics is the foundation of all other disciplines devoted to the of study of nature and her ways.

In the context of human impact on this planet, our use and/or abuse of the natural world will one day end or flourish according to the laws of nature.

Legislated law cannot change natural law. However, legislated laws, second only to science based, public environmental education, will influence society's actions, attitudes, and how well we and future generations honor the laws of nature.

Earthlings, especially their leaders, must understand and accept the fact that, in nature, laws of physics reign supreme.

Only if we understand and accept “Nature’s Law” to reign supreme over our own human “Legislated law” can we move forward in our efforts to make Illinois and our planet, first and foremost, a beautiful and healthy place for mankind, now and for generations to come.

Until we understand that legislated laws, in all their political and democratic glory, render absolutely no influence on even a single law of physics, we will continue to waste untold hours and energy trying to decipher which special interest group presents the greatest argument at the political round table.

Until the leaders of the most influential nation on earth understand and accept that we cannot include the game of “political footsie” when shaping environmental policy and law, we risk allowing human behavior that continues to do “critical harm” to our planet.

When law-makers and law-shapers begin to use our best available science and technology as their guide, environmental policy and law will inevitably begin to parallel natural law. Again, natural law truly governs the long-term physical well-being of the human race.

Economy, a social and political yardstick, provides many citizens a sense of well-being or doom. However, far more important to our actual well-being is the assurance of clean air to breathe and fresh, clear water to drink. When there is no longer, clean air to breathe or fresh, clear water to drink nothing else matters.

Leaders truly concerned for the health and well-being of present and future citizens of this state will not fear for their own political survival. Wise and courageous leaders will find ways to publicly display the wisdom of using the appropriate yardstick, “science” when developing public policy and creating laws concerning the use and management of our natural resources.

Which experts will we consult as environmental policy is shaped and laws are legislated? Far too long have policies and laws governing our management, use, and abuse of our natural resources been contaminated with input from groups who know little if anything about biological, geological, and ecological principles and processes.

This is not to say those representing groups concerned with economy, individual rights and responsibilities, or any other legitimate topic should be forever excluded from policy and law making processes. It is to say, however, that input from these groups should enter only after thorough scientific study and analyses of any given environmental issue has been completed by well-suited “unbiased”experts.

Mandating such an approach will better serve to secure the health and well-being of this states citizens.

[If we are honest, we must admit.] All of us possess the human need for security.

Some seek security in terms of their finances, others in their relationships with others, others in their physical safety, and others in a more spiritual sense.

No matter one’s emphasis our greatest security, in this life, is truly in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.

As I have said time and again, “When there is no longer clean air to breathe, nor water to drink, nothing else matters.”

I ask you:

“Will nature’s laws be our guide?”

“Which experts will we employ?”

I reiterate, "Only if we understand and accept “Nature’s Law” to reign supreme over our own human “Legislated Law” can we move forward in our efforts to make Illinois and our planet, first & foremost, a beautiful and healthy place for mankind, now and for generations to come.

I would like to close with this challenge.

With all resources available (including the information highway), search and find one example in human history when "sustained" prosperity existed in a failed land.

We must care for the land and its inhabitants. To do so we must honor the laws, the real laws, that govern it.

Thank you.

Duane Short
September 11, 2000

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


This Realitics Blog is not associated with another Realitics group which appears to be fixated on the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects. Realitics is a term I created in 2001 to describe a new form of politics. The ultimate definition of Realitics, time and human interests will determine.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Duane Short, Your Realitics Host

I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding of a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) English physicist, mathematician

Monday, May 01, 2006


Welcome a discussion dedicated to seeking a form of politics that will be grounded in the physical realities of a finite planet rather than insatiable desires of a single species, Homo sapiens.

Given the present state of the planet and the collective mindset of man, I am convinced all, and I do mean all, political decisions must favor preservation of the earth's few remaining natural landscapes, ecosystems and processes.

Being extraordinarily tall for his time, President Abraham Lincoln was often asked how tall he was. Whether he was being a bit sarcastic or using the question to impart a bit of wisdom I cannot say. Either way, his answer has always meant much to me. That answer?

"I am tall enough that my feet touch the ground."

Perhaps because I am short of stature Lincoln's answer connected with me.

Novel Prize winner, Mother Teresa, was once asked by a PBS journalist how she had helped so many people when she, too, had so few resources at her disposal. Mother Teresa's answer, like Lincoln's, impressed me?

"I start where I am."

Underlying all I contribute to this Blog comes back to my understanding of and appreciating for our natural world. We are consuming planet earth right out from under our feet. Our feet, collectively speaking, no longer touch the ground... and by virtue of this floating reality we have created for ourselves a global dilemma that few have the understanding and/or will to admit exists.

Mother Teresa and Abraham Lincoln just happen to be two well known figures that put together a couple of answers that combine in a way that helps me sum up the present human condition, as I see it.

"Because our feet have lost touch with the ground, we do not know where we are."

Nothing is more tragic than to be lost without knowing one is lost.

Politics is leading civilization deeper and deeper into the alluring realm of denial. The path they lay before us appears to be paved with gold but the earth beneath the illusion is dying.

REALITICS is my way of keeping my feet firmly on the ground while starting where I am to encourage others to settle down and rethink politics, i.e., to get real.

Forthcoming are discussions that will promote "a body politic" grounded in universal Laws of Nature.

Duane Short
Your Realitics Host