It is clear. Politics in these United States of America has lost touch with reality. I am convinced we, you and me, can succeed where others have failed in their attempts to bring some sense of reality into what we call "The Political Process." I call this effort, "REALITICS."

Friday, August 04, 2006

Ashes, Ashes We All Fell Down

Ashes, Ashes We All "Fell" Down

Bush set the precedent. Now 9/11's are sanctioned by nation states who attack, just because they can. Bush's eye for an eye will leave the world blind.

Preemption is no longer the exception, it is now the rule, a rule military powers love to have. Israel is now a terrorist state with USA as her dance partner. One day soon the will music will stop. World players like China, Russia, several Arab States, North Africa, Venezuela, Cuba, most members of the European, most far east states, Brazil, several South and Central American nations, and other nations are quietly having their fill of the brutality the U.S. and her allies are exercising in recent years.

Empty-eyed U.S. citizens will wonder what hit them when the world collectively sighs and says, "enough is enough." The world is going to hit us. It will be sooner than later. All those pro-war fools that cheered Bush into Iraq will feel the pain they have been cheering for. They will feel the blackout inducing pain of a leg being ripped to shreds. They will feel the pain of watching their homes being blown to hell. They will feel the pain of walking in summer heat and/or winter's bitter cold to find shelter. They will feel, perhaps for the first time in their life, what it is to be truly thirsty and truly starving. They will feel the pain of separation. They will feel the pain of losing the face of their child(ren) in a crowd of foreign militants. They will feel the pain of watching their world, as they thought it would always be, crumble before them.

The sad thing is... those who opposed Bush's precedent setting preemptive strike will be equally subjected to all this pain.

There is one pain anti-war activists will not share with warmongers. We will not feel the pain warmongers will feel, knowing their mindless, calloused chants for war helped bring about our fall.... and we will fall. Those who cannot see us falling right now are those that cheered us into Iraq. It's not the falling that causes pain. It's that terrible and sudden deadpan thud that marks the crash to earth.

The bigger they are the harder they fall is not just a jejune cliche. Neither is the axiom, "those who live by the sword die by the sword."

Again, the sad thing is, those who worked tirelessly to beat swords into plowshares will fall and feel the pain just as those who wielded the swords. The world of reality can be a harsh place but to bow to injustice is not an option to those who value justice.

View the photos.

This will be Anytown, USA. Folks it is coming. George W. Bush, a madman surrounded by starry-eyed stooges, has led us to the edge. Madmen think they can fly. They can not. Iraq and Afghanistan prove this point.

There is no turning back... but there is opportunity to make the best of a bad situation. How do we do it? We just keep promoting peace... but with more boldness, more confidence that our message carries the full weight of truth. We know war is a losers game. We know war has no winners. We know peace is the goal. We know one or a nation cannot kill its way toward peace. We know peace is the answer.

I know I appear to think of myself as some sort of sage or prophet. I am anything but a sage or prophet. I have, on the other hand, since before March of year 2001 been foretelling easily foreseeable consequences of George W. Bush's actions. I have all but stopped living my routine life so that I might better understand these extraordinary times in our nation's history. I have sacrificed the "American dream" whatever that is. I have lost much... and I do not care. I have gained much more than I have lost. I can see what is happening. I can feel it. I can do these things because I have immersed myself in study. I have done so with no predetermined set of expectations. This global dance among the world's powermongers has a rhythm, it has predictable steps, and it has relatively obvious outcomes. The unpredictable always surprises even the most studious observers of world events. Still, the dance has rhyme and reason behind each choreographed step.

No single effort, such as these anemic email messages I send out, can begin to convey the full story behind the story of current world events. So what do I do? Nothing? No I write. I hope one other person will read what I write and then either learn something new or teach me something new or correct me in my thinking. For me to do nothing is not an option. Each of us have contributions to make in our effort to promote peace. Mine is writing. I may not be much of writer (or thinker) but friends, as far as I can tell, it is what I do best, perhaps the only thing I do well.

Whatever it is you feel strongest in, just use it to promote peace. You might play music, sing, paint, sculpt, speak, work, volunteer, console, pray, give, or whatever. Whatever you do, use it to promote the concept that humanity can end war. We must stop believing the lie that war is a given. We must teach the world that every war ever waged is a war its promoters calls a war to end all wars. How may wars have been waged? We still have more wars. War does not promote peace. We must not allow this myth to consume one more generation of humanity.

I am predicting (in a mere educated guess sense of the word, predict) the USA and its intended form of democracy is crashing to the ground. So what? If it does, things might be bad or horrific. So what? Does that mean we should stop promoting peace and justice? Of course not.

I have an extensive backlog of predictions made in writing, ranging from Bush's eventual assault on education, science, and the environment; the tragedy of his "Faith-based Initiative" to his war-mongering demeanor just to name a few. I have several recorded debates with a former CIA operative, CATO Institute's Yana Davis, Director of Sponsor Communications, a history and political science professor and others. I only wish all of these bright-eyed, "Bushy-tailed" optimists had been right in their assessment of Bush's behavior and policies, domestic and foreign. I would gladly accept being personally wrong about Bush in exchange for the world to be as it was before he stole the presidency. The truth is, the world is crumbling... our world is falling too. Our fall is that sort of slow motion experience that accompanies a motor vehicle accident, a train wreck, or plane crash.

Again, I can only hope and pray I am wrong. Friends, I cannot deny what I see. I see our Democracy tripping over itself. I see the world's red face and bloodshot eyes. To deny what I see is to deny truth it's place in reality.

It all became exceedingly clear where Bush would take us, if we would let him (and we did "let" him). When Bush withdrew the U.S. from the Kyoto Treaty the fall of the U.S. began. Bush's arrogant action marked the beginning of distrust. Foreign leader were infuriated about the Kyoto Treaty. Of course, our news media did not cover their rage. I followed the rage.

Among hundreds, if not thousands, of messages I have sent out since year 2000, "Bush's Bad Air" reveals an arrogance and an attitude that is now being challenged worldwide. A world, infuriated with George W. Bush and a nation that "legally or not" put him in office a second time, is watching our every move. Israel, after all the support the U.S. had showered upon her, is now backing the U.S. further into a corner Bush has already painted us into. This is no accident. Israel has never cared one bit about the welfare of the U.S. beyond what support she could sequester from us. Israel, in fact, has but one concern... Israel.

The U.S. is now in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position. Bush's lunacy has led us there. But before we point a long finger in one direction "We the People" share at least some of the blame. Even those of us who stood on sidewalks in all sorts of weather protesting Bush's war and his policies must share some of the blame. We did much but we, apparently, did not do enough.

I know we tried but when I see what citizens in other nations do to express their dissent, I see how soft we Americans are. We have become immersed in luxury, decadent comfort and a false sense of entitlement.

All that is about to change.

Pray that I am wrong.

Today I ask, did you voice your objection? Don't feel guilty if you didn't. That's not the issue. The issue is, now what? Now what will you do? Although I, just an ordinary citizen, foresee gloom and doom I will not stop speaking out. Giving up on peace is not an option to a peacemaker.

George W. Bush has sentenced possibly us and certainly our children to a life of servitude. Just who our and/or their master will be is not clear to me... but one thing is certain... they will not enjoy the freedom and hope their parents' form of democracy once offered us. Notice I said "offered" us. "We the People," are democracy... if we accept the offer to self rule. We did not. We granted a madman full control. We did so by apathetic proxy. We could have revolted when our state and national level elected officials played dead and gave all authority to a madman, who like Hitler, believed God had chosen" him to fulfill Bush's own self-fulfilling prophecy.

Just as German citizens nervously enjoyed Hitler's march to conquer the world "for their eventual well-being" many Americans nervously enjoyed Bush's march to rid the world of sin. Fools. Fools every one.

We will pay just as Germans paid for allowing their leader free reign to be a madman.

Like frightened children, Americans condoned eye-for-an-eye revenge and then relegated it's execution to George W. Bush. Today, the world is blind. No eyes are left to see the barbaric lunacy of war.

After 9/11 an unprecedented opportunity to promote peace stared us in the face. What did we do?

Ashes, Ashes We All "Fell" Down.

Ashes, Ashes [We] All Fall Down

Although typically considered to be just a myth, some feel this song aptly describes the "black plague"; i.e., "ring around the rosies" could refer to the red rash rings that those infected would get on their skin; "pocket full of posies" could refer to the fact that people would carry posies (a flower) in their pockets with the belief that this would keep the plague at bay; "ashes, ashes" might have originally been "Achoo, Achoo" to designate sneezing, another symptom; and "we all fall down" could refer to the many deaths that the disease caused.

"There is no disease deadlier than perpetual war." Do you hear wedding bells? The twisted marriage of the USA and Israel is no less than a decree for perpetual war.

(Children hold hands and dance around in a circle)

Ring around the rosies
A pocket full of posies;
Ashes, Ashes
[We] All stand still.
(Children hold still)

The King has sent his daughter,
To fetch a pail of water ;
(Children hold hands and dance around in a circle)
Ashes, Ashes
[We] All fall down.
(Children fall to the floor)

The bird upon the steeple,
Sits high above the people;
(Children hold hands and dance around in a circle)
Ashes, Ashes
[We] All kneel down.
(Children kneel)

The wedding bells are ringing,
The boys and girls are singing;
(Children hold hands and dance around in a circle)
Ashes, Ashes,
[We] All fall down.

(Children fall to the floor)


Duane Short
July 23, 2006
Democracy’s most effective and efficient device to ease the collective guilt of war's atrosities is to memorialize and celebrate them.
Duane Short - Nov. 8, 2001

Bush’s Bad Air
Duane Short
March 29, 2001

Sure, Clinton made some poor personal decisions but.......

..........Please think about Bush's most recent action.

How can Bush be so arrogant as to defy scientific data accepted, globally, by experts in climatology and many other related disciplines? His recent withdrawal of the U.S. commitment to support the Global Clean Air Treaty is simply "stupid" and politically irresponsible.

Bush, as though the health of billions of present and future people around the globe is secondary to the bank accounts of present day U.S. citizens (voters), infuriates world leaders and the environmentally aware.

Those who know me best know I respect the office of U.S. president and that I rarely even use the term ”stupid.”

However, I cannot keep silent. President Bush is totally oblivious to current science. How much evidence of this do we need before we act to block his reckless pursuit of a strong economy at all costs.

Bush observed the power of a great economy when our voting public winked at Clinton’s personal mistakes.

Political analysts were quick to point out the fact that our strong economy was Clinton’s saving grace.

Bush knows he, as much as Clinton did, will need similar political armor.

He is willing to trade the health and welfare of future generations for four more years of prosperity.

U.S. citizens, and in effect, the entire population of this planet, will suffer a great environmental injustice if we wink at Bush’s recent assault on our most threatened natural resource, the air we breathe.

The U.S. makes up about 5% of the worlds human population. We contribute about 25% of all the ozone depleting gases to our planets atmosphere. Our waste is a global concern, not just a U.S. issue.

I have always believed each nation should take care of its own “first.”

But who is Bush really taking care of?

Bush is playing this sentimental [national patriotism] card to further his separatists causes and pad the pocketbooks of his oil & gas cronies.

I don’t even know folks that rich. I seriously doubt any readers of this do either. Why would anyone tolerate this kind of economic tyranny and environmental injustice?

“When no longer remains clean water to drink or fresh air to breathe nothing else matters...not even all the money in the world.”

Please voice your objection to Bush’s Bad Air.



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