It is clear. Politics in these United States of America has lost touch with reality. I am convinced we, you and me, can succeed where others have failed in their attempts to bring some sense of reality into what we call "The Political Process." I call this effort, "REALITICS."

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Real ID: A Price Too High

Real ID: History of its Legislation

Title: To establish and rapidly implement regulations for State driver's license and identification document security standards, to prevent terrorists from abusing the asylum laws of the United States, to unify terrorism-related grounds for inadmissibility and removal, and to ensure expeditious construction of the San Diego border fence.

Sponsor: Rep Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. [WI-5] (introduced 1/26/2005) Cosponsors (140)
Related Bills: H.RES.71, H.RES.75, H.RES.151, H.R.1268
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2005 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Note: Pursuant to H. Res. 151, the text of H.R. 418, as passed House, was appended as Division B to the end of H.R. 1268. Division B was further modified in conference. H.R. 1268 became P.L. 109-13 on 5/11/2005.

Final Language Passed Senate with Little Debate
Getting word out about the injustice of "Real ID" is one of those "Just Do It" propositions. Let's just start and then refine and make more efficient our approach as we go. We know there are highly capable bloggers and web masters and institutions in place to do those things we, perhaps, cannot. We all have email lists. Use them. I'll start. Recycle all or any part of my comments if you wish. Presently, I have only about 300 (as opposed to a time when I had some 1300) recipients in my email address book. Some of you may have many more or less than this. It does not matter. Just start spreading the word about the literal perils of Bush's Real ID Card.

In the past decade I have learned the effectiveness of "just doing it." I have received responses, most supporting, my messages from literally all over the world having no clue as to how they got distributed so widely. The point is, using email alone is a powerful tool if we use it to its fullest. If one asks recipients to resend (not forward, for obvious technical reasons) this message as widely as they can much will be accomplished. Sure, our messages will end up in our own supporters trash and in our opponents possession to their delight. I say so what. We get their stuff too don't we. That field is fairly level I'd say. Only if we fear do we worry about who gets what. I am confident we are on the informed side of the issues so I tend to embrace the "Just Do It" approach. I, too, rather despise the corporate ideology that made "Just Do It" popular but remember, they did not invent the phrase. Sometimes we analyze "how to" into a "how not to" scenario. In the end we do nothing and reap what we sow.

Post 9/11 soccer moms and dads and this administration have minds that are constricted like pupils in a bright light and therefore support the Real ID Card. It is entirely unnatural and, in fact, indicates disease when pupils fail to dilate after a flash of light goes away and ambient light returns. The Bush administration, by constantly "flashing" 9/11 before the masses is maintaining a national state of constricted pupils. If not for TV, Newsprint, Talk Radio, and the internet where the towers fall a million times over the masses would be able to see "today" for what it is... not what the administration keeps telling us it is. Constricted pupils means very narrow focus. The fearful see only the bright flash of fear that occurred on 9/11. Sadly, all around them and out of their constricted mind's view, their civil liberties are crumbling. They cannot see it. Only that bright flash of those planes exploding on 9/11 can they see.

Diseased eyes contain pupils that will not dilate or adapt to light as it is at present. A diseased populous contains minds that will not dilate or expand to an ever-changing reality. Our minds have seen the towers fall. The image is in our minds, as it should be, but that image must not keep our minds constricted or closed. We must continue to see the bigger picture as it evolves. Our minds must dilate if we are to see the big picture. The Bush administration has frozen America in time by presenting that "flash-of-an-incident" as a permanent and continuing flash. They have done so for several reasons but the most fundamental these is to keep our citizenry blinded with fear. What a horrific thing to do. The administration has made it sound cruel to say what history itself proves every day, "life goes on." The queston is, "what kind of life do we want?" Constant personal surveillance? Even worse, on various issues, Bush has turned back time as far back as the Dark Ages when science books and new ideas were burned.

We may not succeed but we must try to open America's eyes about this issue. To try and fail is one thing. To not try at all is another.

A soon as possible I will put together an action alert that will allow folks to send a prepared or their own letters to their representatives expressing their disgust and unwillingness to accept Bush's sneaky passage of this Real ID Card legislation.

Hitler's Post-mortem Takeover of America: Bush Aides and Abets Hitler's Post-mortem Takeover of America

Yes, Hitler wins and in the shameless name of Homeland Security.

American Citizens: Thanks to George W. Bush and your current spineless congress, in 2008 Big Brother will not just enter your home but will be carried with every member of your family including your children. This card will not be used to protect your child. In other words, if your child is abducted no Amber Alert will automatically be generated. Protection of your child is not the purpose of this card. This card's purpose to track every movement of your child from birth to death. Every private mistake made, those that historically remained a family matter, will become part of a national data base and made public should the government wish.

Good things done by an individual like simply being a good parent, a good neighbor, a good friend, a good employee, a faithful church-goer, and the like will not tally in this data base. Only those events the government considers "bad" will rise to a level worthy of occupying space in their virtual memory.

Think back. Maybe you were squeaky clean as a young person. Maybe. But young people make mistakes. In years passed youthful indiscretions were generally private matters. Today, cameras and listening devices are everywhere. Girls gone wild are girls gone public. Remember, it does not take a government installed camera to spy on U.s. Citizens. Store front cameras to cells phones are as good as government owned. Yes they are. Any citizen seeking fame, revenge, government approval, or something as fundamental as a sense of personal power or excitement can volunteer video, audio and/or text to the government.

Those of a Nazi/Bush mindset who read this will actually love the idea of the Real ID Card. No matter what is said or done will their minds be changed. Some of you are reading this right now. You know who you are.

More serious than youthful indiscretions, benign brushes with the law or dissenting statements such as those made online in public town meetings, corporate business meetings, church gatherings, school meetings, or in debates of a public nature, Patriots for Peace meetings, and etc. will be traced back to the chip in Bush's "Real ID Card."

Like a loaf of bread, dissent will be scanned under "Brand Names" Duane Short, John Doe, Jane Q and etc. I know my grocery bill is already more than I could ever pay. Those blindly committed to their government no matter how corrupt, how authoritarian, how dictatorial, how brutal it becomes will support Bush' Real ID Card.
Woe be to dissenters seeking justice for all now and in the future. I worry about our youth. They have been brought up by mass media to perceive total lack of privacy as a cool thing. Real TV is more than a ViaCom or GE effort to entertain.

Perhaps "Real TV" has come about to warm up young Americans to the idea that all they do will be on record and subject to public display... and that they have hope of basking their own fifteen minutes of fame... which is, to many youths, a shot at immortality.

Friends, if you don't mind that the government read (via computers that can read) and store all of your emails and, when they so desire, make public your correspondences I suggest you support the Bush's "Real ID Card."

If you believe an increasingly paranoid government will not either erroneously or purposefully manipulate things you write, say and/or do to help them meet their agendas then the chip bearing Real ID Card is for you.

Duane Short
August 17, 2006


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